The game
played fine but failed to save high
scores. Centipede saves the top three high scores and stores them
in an
Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory chip known as an EAROM. I
changed the
EAROM with a known working one but this did not fix the problem. The
located in E5 on the PCB and can be a NI-7055 or an ER-2055. |

read the Centipede manual and found that the
game could be put in test mode in order to see if the EAROM was
working. This meant that I
did not have to continually set a high score in order to test the
the game is in test mode and the EAROM is not working you will see 4 FF
in the
upper left corner of the screen. Also the number of plays and the game
time will be missing.

I then
studied the Centipede schematic and found
that the EAROM required approximately –30VDC to operate. My voltage at
–30VC test point was only –14VDC! I rebuilt the –30VDC line by
replacing the
1uf caps at C84 and C86, the 10uf cap at C85, both 1N4001 diodes at CR4
and CR5
as well as the 555 timer at A11. I retested the –30vdc line at the test
and now had a solid –28VDC. Excellent! I put the game in test mode but
saw the 4 FF upper left corner of the screen. This meant the EAROM was
not working.

I could
see that this was going to be a more
difficult repair and it was time to do a more in depth study of the
board. I
again studied the schematic and saw that the WRITE2 signal went through
74LS32 at A4. I connected a HP 10529A Comparator to the chip and
found that there was a logic fault! I replaced the chip at A4 and was
the problem was fixed. I again put the PCB in the game and put it in
test mode
and was again greeted with the 4 FF.

to studying the schematic! I could see that
there was only one chip between the output of A4 and the EAROM and that
was the
buffer at H4. H4 is a 20 pin chip that unfortunately could not be
checked with
the comparator as it only checks chips with 16 pins or less. Checking
H4, which
is a 74LS374 chip, with a logic probe didn't reveal anything
however since the
chip took input from A4 and sent it to the EAROM I decided to replace
it. |

put the board back in the game and put it in
test mode. Good sign! No longer was there a 4 FF in the upper left
corner and
the game now properly displayed the number of plays and the game time!
the real test came when I set a high score, turned the game off, turned
it back
on and the score would still be there. I commenced to setting a high
score! I did so and entered my initials.
Then I
turned the game off, turned it back on and let it go to attract mode
putting it in test mode.

Success! My high score was there! I quickly set another
high score
and like the
last one it was saved too! So what is normally a simple
replacement of an EAROM
became a very involved repair but gave me a good knowledge base should
I ever
encounter this problem again. Now it is time to obliterate some

track ball assembly had seen many years of wear and tear and needed to
be completely rebuilt. The bearings were bad and the shafts were worn
which led to poor control of the archer. Dust, debris and probably a
few beverages were spilled through the housing at one time.

was thoroughly cleaned and new shafts and bearings were installed. A
few drops of 3-in-1 oil were added as well.

assembled the track ball rolled very smoothly and was ready for action!

front of this game was a mystery to me. At one point somebody
thought the front of the game was beat up enough that it was necessary
to wipe the entire front surface with a rag dipped in black paint to "improve"
it atheistically. After years of wear and tear the black paint
was in horrible condition to the point I thought for sure the black
laminate would have to be replaced.

tried many stain removal products but the paint proved stubborn and did
not come off easily, however, with some serious elbow grease Goof Off
was starting to remove it.

was surprised that after cleaning off the lower section it did not
appear to be heavily damaged or even worn! The original black laminate
surface appeared to be in excellent condition. I decided to go
further and rub down the entire front surface.

my astonishment the front laminate was in pristine shape and after a
good polishing it looked like new! Why it was ever painted over
in the first place remains a mystery!

game now looks as good as it plays! |