Inside the
.Repair Station
A moveable wall is slid back in the lounge area to reveal the Repair Station!

The Repair Station contains the following highly specialized technical equipment:


B&K 575 IC Tester
HP 548A Logic Clip
HP 545A Logic Probe

HP 10528T Logic Clip

HP 546A Logic Pulser
RCA Isotap II WP-27A

HP 10525T Logic Probe

Kurz-Kasch ROM Test 1
HP 10526T Logic Pulser

HP 547A Cuurent Tracer

LBT-10 Portable IC Tester

B&K 520B Transistor Tester

HP 10529A Logic Comparator

B&K 1801 Frequency Counter

Weller WESD51 Solder Station

HP 5022A Troubleshooting Kit

Kurz-Kasch TF-650 Test Fixture

Kurz-Kasch Signature Analyzer II

Aoyue 474A+ Desoldering Station

Hitachi V-650F 60Mhz Oscilloscope

Boreal 55728-02 Stereo Microscope

Heathkit IT-121 FET/Transistor Tester

GC Electronics 9317 Degaussing Coil

Radio Shack 22-303A Digital Logic Probe

Heathkit IT-5230 CRT Tester & Rejuvenator

Sencore YF33 Ringer Yoke & Flyback Tester

B&K 467 Cathode Ray Tube Restorer/Analyzer

NeoLoch Inquisitor IC Tester With Four Blades

Elenco XP-580 Variable Regulated Power Supply

Beckman Scopemate 2 IC And Component Tester

Long and Short SafeBack Cathode Ray Tube Discharger

Simpson Model 432 Chroma-Line Color Pattern Generator

Radio Shack 22-801 Digital Multimeter W/Capacitance Check