This is the strobe light

The strobe tube and reflector
are melted together but the lens was salvageable. This
to be a very common failure with this game and I’m sure caused many
problems for
owners who liked to keep their games in tip top shape. |

I thought a quick Internet search would allow
me to
acquire the necessary replacement parts and enable me to get my strobe
PCB running...boy
was I wrong! I did find the
strobe light was a component in Bally's Flash Gordon Pinball machine,
however the part was out of stock and has yet to be
reproduced. Bummer! I
like to keep everything original as
possible so hearing this was like running into a brick wall. I still kept
searching for a viable replacement and ultimately focused on old
cameras. All
had strobe lights but nothing near the size I was looking for. Enter the Polaroid camera! |

I actually found one of these cameras in the
strangest of places...my own basement! They
can be picked up very cheap (note the price tag) from your local thrift
store. The lens looks to be the exact
size I have been looking for! Yipeeee! |

A quick tip on how to take apart the camera
and get what you
need. Just insert a small flat blade
screwdriver into both snap fit ends of the flash bar.
You can then easily pull the two halves
of the flash bar apart.

*Caution* If you are unfamiliar with the
of electronics please consult an expert to help you with this step.
Upon opening the
flash bar you will
immediately notice a large black capacitor staring you right in the
face. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS assume it is fully
charged and therefore must be discharged before removing the strobe
light assembly. I used the old school bulb discharge method
and it worked fine. |

Here is a close up of the discharge
method with the
strobe light assembly removed for picture purposes only.
The positive and negative terminals are
clearly marked. Be sure to wait a bit
and repeat the discharge procedure until you are sure the
capacitor is
fully discharged.

With the capacitor fully discharged, the
strobe light assembly
can easily be removed.

Now here is the amazing part. You can
unsnap the lens from the Polaroid strobe assembly
and snap it right onto the original housing! The
finished assembly looks completely
NOS! Solder the leads which for this
application was black in place of red, blue in place of white and the
wire....well that stays as the trigger wire.

This strobe PCB is now repaired and ready
for some great
flashing effects! I have repaired two
different boards with this technique and they have been happily
flashing away
without problems! Good luck with your
restoration and don’t forget to do whatever it takes to save these
arcade machines!